Recycle Plastic? Of course!
Though we have ended our program of collecting plastic films to be converted to benches, you can still do your part to save the environment and keep your plastic films out of landfill.
Please continue to save your plastic films and deposit them at local recycling centers.
Snohomish area recycling locations are listed below.
We Did It!
With your help, we’ve collected enough plastic film for 18 benches! Here are the groups the Snohomish Lions Club partnered with to earn these benches:
Green Snohomish, Snohomish Kiwanis, Girl Scouts Service Unit 223, Snohomish Carnegie Foundation, Garden of Hope, Spruce Up Snohomish, Snohomish Garden Club, Emanuel Baptist Church, Tim Noah Thumbnail Theater, Dane Salon (Dane Styles) and the Hospice Group at Evergreen Hospital.
What types of plastic film can be recycled?
Rule of thumb: “stretchy” = good “makes crinkly sound” = bad.
As described in this Trex video on how recycled plastic is turned into benches in their Bags to Benches program, two types of "plastic film" are included (pictured here):
Type 2 (high-density polyethylene film - HDPE)
Type 4 (low density or linear-low density polyethylene film - LDPE/LLDPE)
These plastics cannot be recycled by Trex (please don’t include them in your donations)
Where are the recycling locations in Snohomish?
These grocery stores have collection bins for plastic film:
Safeway - 1119 13th St
In front of entrance.Haggen - 1301 Avenue D
10 steps past the Customer Service desk
Fred Meyer - 2801 Bickford Ave
Inside the left-hand entrance foyer against the far-right corner
Safeway - 17520 SR 9 SE
Under the right-hand foyer in front of the entrance
Where are the benches?
Our partnership of service clubs is working with multiple organizations for suitable placement locations, installation procedures and signage.
Housing Hope is interested in locating benches at their new Twin Lakes Landing low-income apartment complex when it is completed. The Snohomish Church of The Nazarene is planning to place their first bench in their Garden of Hope.
The Lions and Snohomish Kiwanis placed our first benches at the new Pilchuck Julia Landing park - thank you Snohomish Lions and Snohomish Kiwanis!
We also appreciate Tim Cross, Snohomish Public Works Operations Manager, and Brennan Collins, Snohomish Project Manager, for their collaboration locating and placing the first two benches at Pilchuck Julia Landing.