We Fund Scholarships for


Three $2,000 Snohomish Lions Club Scholarships are available to AIM High School, Snohomish High School and Glacier Peak High School students.

Applications are due by March 11, 2024 at TheWashBoard.org.

Applicants will be seeking a post-high school career in the trades or a professional certification program. We also seek individuals who value service and will update us with their progress from time to time.

Snohomish Library Manager Jude joyfully displays the new books purchased for the 2020 Summer Reading Program

We Fund Community Grants

The Snohomish Lions Club Community Grant program assists Snohomish area community organizations providing vision, hearing, education, hunger, community or elder services.

Past applications awarded include:

  • Three computer workstations at the Bridge Receiving Center

  • Camp Fire Snohomish County MEGA at the Snohomish Boys & Girls Club

  • Summer Reading and Explore Program at the Snohomish Public Library

  • Easy-to-prepare take-home food for children at Centennial Middle School and Riverview Elementary through their Food Pantry

  • Spruce Up Snohomish litter collection and needle disposal material

Grants are awarded twice yearly with March 1st and September 1st deadlines.

Fill out the simple application and mail it to our physical address below or email it to communitygrants@snohomishlions.org.

Camp Leo campers enjoying their experience

We Fund Scholarships to Camp Leo for Children with Diabetes

At Camp Leo, diabetes becomes the NORM, not the EXCEPTION! Every summer hundreds of children forget about what separates them because everyone in the camp community shares in their experiences. They meet others with diabetes, learn about their disease, and gain independence essential for living a healthy and happy life. All while having a joyful outdoor camp experience.

The Snohomish Lions Club funds partial and full scholarships for Snohomish area children to attend Camp Leo.